September 12, 2022
Just like anything else in life, our beliefs and approaches in our diabetes management are ever-evolving. As I turn 28, I took some time to reflect on the last few years of living with T1D and how my approach to my management has changed.
Ever been told that low carb meals don’t require a bolus? Well, there is more to that narrative that we’re not usually told. Every macronutrient plays a role in our bolus strategy, which may be why you still see high blood sugars after low carb, high protein meals!
September 5, 2022
August 29, 2022
In a recent conversation inside of Keeping it 100, we chatted about the compound effect on our blood sugars. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the high blood sugars and how they may impact our health later on. It’s a valid fear. From day one of our diagnosis, we’re taught to do everything in our power to keep management in check to avoid complications later on. But what about the other side of it all?
What do things like pizza, burgers and Chinese food all have in common? If you answered “they’re impossible to bolus for”, this episode is for you! While these meals can be more difficult on blood sugars, they’re not impossible to tackle! High carb, high fat meals just take different considerations and different strategies.
August 22, 2022
August 15, 2022
Spoiler alert: No one ‘gets it’ the first time. Life with type one diabetes is full of trial and error, but we’re never necessarily given the space to go through it. So the question becomes, if we never go through the troubleshooting process, how will we master the foods and activities we love without overwhelm?
If something doesn’t work for you, you have the power to change it! Meet Anna Williams. Type 1 of 19 years. For four years, Anna ate primarily keto (low carb, high fat). While she thought it was best for her blood sugars, she realized it wasn’t best for her relationship with diabetes. Inside this podcast episode, Anna shares more about her decision to change her diet to incorporate more carbs and how she’s done it while improving blood sugars.
August 1, 2022
July 24, 2022
Diabetes is a 24/7 job, but does that mean we can put 100% of our energy into it all the time? As people living with diabetes, we’re also human. Inside this episode, I brought in my dear friend and co-coach Valeria Garcia and we talk all about how we navigate burnout in our diabetes management. Whether you’ve been living with diabetes for one year or ten, this is a conversation we all need.
What’s the best diet for people living with diabetes? A balanced one! A question we get inside of Keeping it 100 most often is “what does a balanced meal look like and how do I get it to work for my blood sugars?”
July 18, 2022
July 10, 2022
When we’re initially diagnosed with T1D, we’re lead to believe that essentially the only three numbers that matter are the number of carbs we’re eating in our meal, the number of units to take of insulin, and the number on our meter.
What’s the most important area to master in your diabetes management before all else? You guessed it, your baselines. While there’s such an emphasis on lifestyle, diet and exercise on blood sugars, the easiest area to overlook in having trust, ownership and predictability in your management is understanding how to test, assess and adjust your basal rates, carb ratios and correction factors.
July 4, 2022