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Episode 032 - Getting Bold with Food While Living with Type One Diabetes with Ben Tzeel RD, CSCS

EP 32: Getting Bold with Food While Living with Type One Diabetes with Ben Tzeel RD, CSCS

April 11, 2022

It’s no secret that living with diabetes can distort our relationship with food. Whether it’s looking at the amount of carbs constantly, the blood sugar trend or just associating your food with a number – it can be pretty damaging. So the balance becomes, how can we enjoy the things we love while balancing the blood sugar strategy?


Episode 031 - Growing up with T1D, Social Influene and Working in a High Paced Career with Mandi Franklin, NP

We know that growing up with T1D holds a big influence in our life, not only in our social life and progressing in our adulthood, but choices for our future. Meet Mandi Franklin, Nurse Practitioner, author and type one diabetic. 

EP 31: Growing up with T1D, Social Influence and Working in a High Paced Career with Mandi Franklin, NP

April 3, 2022


Episode 029 - This One's for the Parents, Partners & Supporters of a T1D

EP 29: This One’s for the Parents, Partners & Supporters of a T1D

March 27, 2022

Are you a parent, partner or friend of a type one diabetic? This episode is for you. We know that your job isn’t easy. You’re watching us ride the rollercoaster and sometimes, we don’t know what to support to even ask for. So in this episode, I want to help you find that clarity.


Episode 028 - Inclusion and Representation in the Diabetes Community with Taylor Turner

We know that there are two disparities in the diabetes community. Disparity #1: There is a lack of representation and empathy for the type two community. Disparity #2: People of color do not receive the same level of care in either communities. So how does social media perpetuate these disparities?

EP 28: Inclusion and Representation in the Diabetes Community with Taylor Turner

March 20, 2022


Episode 026 - Not Meeting Your Weight Loss Goals with T1D? This Ones for You

EP 26: Not Meeting your Weight Loss Goals with T1D? This Ones for You.

March 13, 2022

Weight loss isn’t a bad goal to have while living with diabetes. Unsustainable weight loss is. There is a massive difference between weight loss lead by restriction, and weight loss lead by fueling your body and enjoying the process.


Episode 023 - An Empowered Approach to Type One Pregnancy with Piper Backholm, FNTP, DE & LCCE

Today we’re talking all things type one pregnancy. There can be a lot of fear-based tactics to motivate type ones into better blood sugar control for pregnancy, but Piper believes in a different approach. 

EP 23: An Empowered Approach to Type One Pregnancy with Piper Backholm, FTNP, DE, LCCE

March 7, 2022


Episode 025: How Bolus Anchoring Can Change the Game For your T1D Management

EP 25: How Bolus Anchoring Can Change the Game For your T1D Management

March 7, 2022

What is a bolus anchor and how can it change the game for your T1D management? From day one of our diagnosis we’re taught that routine will be our saving grace and variability is our worst enemy. But what about when we want to add in flexibility into our life with diabetes? How do we step away from the all or nothing mindset?


Episode 022 - A Subconscious Approach to Health & Wellness With Jenna Knapp

If you’ve been following me for the last year or so, then you know that I’ve been studying neurolinguistic programming. Not only does this help us understand how we process the world and our behaviors subconsciously, but also our habits, behaviors and limiting beliefs.

EP 22: A Subconscious Approach to Health & Wellness with Jenna Knapp

February 21, 2022


Episode 021 - BONUS EPISODE: Reclaiming My Relationship With My Body After a Diagnosis of T1D

EP 21: DIAVERSARY BONUS – Reclaiming My Relationship with my Body After A Diagnosis of T1D

February 17, 2022

I was diagnosed with diabetes eight years ago today.. I didn’t always choose to celebrate this day. Some years I ignored it. Some years I refused to acknowledge it. Some years I accepted it. And now I celebrate it. Eight years of growth. Eight years of learning + unlearning. Eight years of introducing this new part of me.


pisode 020 - Rated E: Sex, Sensuality and Self Confidence in Your Diabetes Journey with Erika Arff

Confidence and sexuality can be a deep rooted topic especially when you are living with a chronic condition. Any shame and guilt we carry in our disability can easily carry through to other areas of our life.

EP 20: Rated E – Sex, Sensuality and Self Confidence in Your Diabetes Journey with Erika Arff

February 13, 2022